slot gacor
Prestasi KIR SMA Al-Islam Krian
: - Sabtu, 27-07-2024
  • 1 tahun yang lalu / Pendaftaran Peserta Didik Baru Gelombang 2 masih dibuka hingga 01 Januari – 31 Maret 2024, SEGERA DAFTAR, pendaftaran ditutup bila kouta terpenuhi
  • 1 tahun yang lalu / Link PPDB SMALISKA 2024 :
Peraih prestasi :
Prestasi KIR SMA Al-Islam Krian

Students Scientific Club of SMA Al-Islam Krian proudly congrats Ahmad Rifaldi Prasetia, one of the member who was recognized to be the third winner of short video competition held by STESIA Surabaya this year. Pandemic situation will never stop SMALISKA students’ creativity and motivation. This club basically focuses the members to master scientific writing skill, hydroponic plan cultivation and robotics programming, however students can adapt very well when facing any other challenges. Creativity flows inside our blood. SMALISKA, The First and The Best!

